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  1. #41

    but different bishops have different perspectives. even a bishop's council like cbcp has no binding authority for the church, this was clarified by ratzinger before.

  2. #42
    Quote Originally Posted by The_Child View Post
    but different bishops have different perspectives. even a bishop's council like cbcp has no binding authority for the church, this was clarified by ratzinger before.

    Catholic bishops have no binding authority, in the sense that they CANNOT MAKE OR CHANGE existing doctrines. YET, they have the teaching authority and responsibility to explain existing Catholic doctrine among the faithful. We have heard of "pastoral letters" from the CBCP -- these are explanations of existing doctrines.

    As Catholics, we are sitting comfortably on the three-legged stool of the Scriptures, Sacred Tradition, and Papal declaration. If some bishops teach something different, it is your responsibility to verify them through the following:

    1. Does it comply with Biblical principles?
    2. Is it consistent with Church Tradition as practiced by the Apostles, the early Christians and the saints?
    3. Is it consistent with the existing teachings of the Pope and Church Councils as expressed in the Catechism?
    4. Is his teaching in agreement with the Pope and other bishops in the Universal Church?

    Take note that Protestantism has justified almost everything from the Bible. Worst of all, some of them have quoted the Bible to justify slavery (Baptists), abortion (Episcopalians), homosexuality (Anglicans), love of money (Joel Osteen and other prosperity gospel preachers), polygamy (Mormons) etc etc.

    Catholic bishops and priests, on the other hand are not infallible. History tells us that some of them were excommunicated for teaching heresy (contrary to Church teaching).

    Did the CBCP and Philippine bishops change the Church teaching against RH law? Read these:

    Sacred Scripture
    Sacred Tradition (early Christian practice)
    Papal Teaching

    No matter what their personal stand is regarding the RH law and other matters, Catholic bishops are expected to faithfully enunciate the Church's teaching in their capacity as "spiritual fathers" to the faithful.

    Even during the very early days of Christianity, ST Paul warned us about self-indulgence on listening only what we want to hear.

    For there shall be a time, when they will not endure sound doctrine; but, according to their own desires,
    they will heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears: And will indeed turn away their hearing from the truth, but will be turned unto fables.
    -- 2 Timothy 4:3-4

  3. #43
    If you remember your theology,you know that:

    1.complying with biblical principles is a problem. What are these biblical principles? do these principles precede from the bible, i.e, before the bible, these principles are already there or are these principles created after the bible, i.e., interpretations based on the bible? this is also a problem because what is the standard of correct interpretation ? tradition is also a problem. what is considered as tradition from mere history? the early Christians did not practice "confessions" as we do today, so does that mean that the sacrament of confession is not a tradition? there are alot of practices today, particularly in our liturgy, that was never practiced before. Is it a break from tradition?

    3.this is also a problem. are you saying that theological soundness is determined by its consistency with the CCC? the CCC is, of course, as its name implies, a catechism. How can it be the standard?

    4. this is also a problem. the universal church in rome? there are older traditions than the roman church. the eastern churches have their own popes and bishops. so which universal church (this is already an oxy*****)?

    On St. Paul's warning that you mentioned, can you help us understand what the historical context for this warning? the quote needs a lot of explanation. when st. paul said "sound doctrine" which doctrine did he refer to ? the doctrine of Peter? of any council?

  4. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by The_Child View Post
    If you remember your theology,you know that:
    Bro, I have reposted your questions to the Roman Catholic Questions thread.

    See the link here.

  5. #45

    Be Wise as Serpents and Simple as Doves

    The Book of Genesis writes about the serpent as the most clever of all creatures. There is a natural wisdom and subtlety in every part of the serpent. The “serpent” was typical of wisdom and cunning in the ancient world. The wisdom of the serpent is that of keen perception and cleverness both in avoiding its enemies and catching its prey.

    Therefore, to be “wise as serpents” refers to the ability of the disciples to avoid unnecessary contact or conflict with the “wolves,” and if such conflict or contact occurs, to know how to handle the situation in a way that minimizes the ability of the “wolves” to succeed in an attack.

    The Scriptures dedicate entire books (Job, Book of Wisdom, Psalms, etc) in search for Wisdom. Wisdom consists chiefly in three things: Knowledge to discern wherein happiness lies; Skill to judge what will be the fittest means to conduce to it; and Courage to accomplish the desired end.

    A natural wisdom is seen in finding out the secrets of nature. I would say it is the scientific part of knowledge. God commanded man to subdue nature, for the purpose of making a better life for him.

    A moral wisdom consists in two things—the rejection of those things which are harmful; and the
    choosing of those things which are beneficial. This is called prudence. Knowledge without prudence may do harm; many a man's wit has undone him, for lack of wisdom.

    A sacred wisdom is knowing God, who is the supreme and sovereign Good.To know God,
    in whom is both truth and goodness, is the masterpiece of wisdom -- as God is Wisdom himself.

    In the ancient Near East, the dove was symbolic of purity, faithfulness, and guilelessness. The dove was, also, the only bird that could be offered as a sacrifice in the Old Testament. To be “harmless as doves” expresses the need of Jesus’ disciples to be above reproach in both conduct and speech.

    meekness -- we must avoid unruly anger, which is a temporary madness.
    innocence -- Not to deceive and not to hurt.
    purity -- be as doves for sanctity, cleansing ourselves from all
    pollution both of flesh and spirit.

    Christians must be clever and shrewd (like the serpent) in dealing with their cunning wolf-like adversaries, but they must never stoop to the ethics of their enemies (like the dove). They must be free from guile and evil.
    Sin in the life and speech of the disciple gives his foes an easy opening to discredit and neutralize his witness.

  6. #46
    As I read the Posts here, The thread already became:

    Catholic Spirituality and CONFUSION

  7. #47
    Quote Originally Posted by SioDenz View Post
    As I read the Posts here, The thread already became:

    Catholic Spirituality and CONFUSION
    confusion in what sense bro?

    you are free to ask questions in the RC thread or contribute your reflections on this thread.

  8. #48

    The Month of September is Dedicated to



    Mary of Nazareth, the mother of Our Lord was ever-present in the life and ministry of Jesus. She silently contemplated on his birth, she took the difficult flight into Egypt to save him, she lost him at the Temple, and watched him endure his sufferings on the road to Calvary. On his Passion, she stood at the foot of the Holy Cross, was there when the body of Jesus was taken down from the Cross and still there when Jesus was buried.

    Through the darkest times of Jesus' life on earth, Mary has always extended her motherly care towards her Son and to the Apostles. She suffered silently and endured with great courage all the humiliation, physical and emotional suffering that following Jesus entails. She knows beforehand, through the warning of Simeon at the Temple, that her heart would be pierced with seven swords.

    Through our life experiences, we sometimes have to endure with sufferings or very difficult situations that would resemble a spiritual martyrdom. Let us then reflect upon the sufferings of the Mother of God. For those who continue to endure similar sufferings, let us pray that they may receive from God the strength that they desperately need to continue to carry their spiritual crosses.

    Prayer to Our Lady

    Our mother of sorrows,
    with strength from above you stood by the cross,
    sharing in the sufferings of Jesus,
    and with tender care
    you bore Him in your arms, mourning and weeping.

    We praise you for your faith,
    which accepted the life God planned for you.
    We praise you for your hope,
    which trusted that God would do great things in you.
    We praise you for your love
    in bearing with Jesus the sorrows of His passion.

    Holy Mary,
    may we follow your example,
    and stand by all your children
    who need comfort and love.

    Mother of God,
    stand by us in our trials
    and care for us in our many needs.
    Pray for us now and at the hour of our death.



  9. #49

    The Virgin Mary's Birthday

    September 08, 2013

    When was the Mother of God born? We can't know for certain, of course, but for almost 15 centuries now, the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary has been celebrated on September 8. Those who are quick with math have already figured out that September 8 is exactly nine months after December 8--the feast of the Immaculate Conception of Mary.

    In earlier centuries, the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary was celebrated with greater fanfare--indeed, Mary's birth is one of only three celebrated by the Church. Today, however, most Catholics probably don't even realize that the Church has a special feast day set aside to celebrate it. But, like the Immaculate Conception, the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary is an important date in our salvation history. Christ needed a mother, and Mary's conception and birth, therefore, are events without which Christ's own birth would have been impossible.

    It's no surprise, then, that the Christians of the second century A.D. recorded the details of Mary's birth in such documents as the Protoevangelium of James and the Gospel of the Nativity of Mary. While neither document bears the authority of Scripture, they provide us with everything that we know about the life of Mary before the Annunciation, including the names of Saint Mary's parents, Saint Joachim and Saint Anna (or Anne). It's a good example of Tradition, which complements Scripture.

    Happy Birthday, Mama Mary!

  10. #50

    Create in Me a Clean Heart, O God (Psalm 51)

    Composed by David, one of the greatest Kings of Israel. Set in melody by Gregorio Allegri, for exclusive use in the Sistine Chapel by the Pope during the Lenten Services. One of my favorite meditational music.

    51 Have mercy on me,[a] O God,
    according to your steadfast love;
    according to your abundant mercy
    blot out my transgressions.
    2 Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity,
    and cleanse me from my sin!

    3 For I know my transgressions,
    and my sin is ever before me.
    4 Against you, you only, have I sinned
    and done what is evil in your sight,
    so that you may be justified in your words
    and blameless in your judgment.
    5 Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity,
    and in sin did my mother conceive me.
    6 Behold, you delight in truth in the inward being,
    and you teach me wisdom in the secret heart.
    then bulls will be offered on your altar.

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